





International Criminal Court 09.22.2002

The United States of America the country that I live in is attempting to destroy a valuable international treaty. This treating is called the International Criminal Court. It's aim is to stop the impunity with which some people have been able to engage in war crimes and crimes against humanity through out the globe.

In the past people such a Pinochet the former Dictator of Chile have been able to get away with murdering huge numbers of citizens only to be granted immunity by the new government.

The principle of the International Criminal Court is to bring these sorts of people to justice before an impartial court where they will receive a fair trial for their alleged crimes. But only if the judiciary in the nation where the crimes occur refuse to take action.

While the US signed the treaty under the Clinton Administration. The Bush Administration and Congress have since refused to ratify the treaty. Now the US is going around to allies and requesting that they sign agreements not to turn US citizens over to the ICC. Of course a threat of withdrawal of aid if they do not agree is attached. These agreements which have already been signed with East Timor, Israel, Romania, and Tajikistan are illegal agreements and violate not only the United States obligations under international law but the other states obligations.

The Bush Administration argues that US Soldiers could be tried by politically motivated prosecutors and that they would not receive a fair trial. However, the ICC would only act if the US courts failed to act. And the ICC has good fair trial provisions.

Amnesty International has a petition online which lets you tell the various nations of the world that you support the ICC and do not support the agreements that the US is making. I urge you to sign it. For more information about the ICC you can read Amnesty International's report on the subject.